Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1

This acceptance and integration of Negroes as
complete equals to whites in every respect is demonstrated
in the United States Armed Services. As a direct result of
having eliminated the cause, there is no Negro frustration
as to their status or acceptance as equal members of the
Armed Services-and there is no aggressive feeling toward
white fellow-soldiers. (If any frustration exists, the aggres-
sion it causes is soon dispelled by the necessity of directing
it toward the enemy.) In the Armed Services, the equal,
integrated, accepted, unfrustrated Negro has distinguished
himself with skill, courage and heroism which has won the
admiration of his white comrades and the entire nation.
When you compare the unfrustrated, successful
Negro in civilian life or the unfrustrated, heroic Negro in
the Armed Services with the frustrated, socially-aggressive
Negro demonstrating, protesting, rioting in the streets-you
have a dramatic example of the frustration-aggression cycle
at work. And you can clearly see that as frustration is
eliminated, aggression is eliminated.

You can analyze this on a much larger scale as
a cause of wars between nations.

Nations, because of strong nationalist feelings,
ethnic incompatibilities, desires to be superior and just
plain greed, tend to actions and pronouncements which
often cause frustrations in other nations. These national
frustrations cause aggressive feelings in direct proportion
to the degree of frustration. Too often, instead of diminish-
ing or eliminating the frustration and the aggressive feel-
ings which it provokes, each nation escalates the frustration-
aggression cycle. The more the frustration-aggression is

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