(b) Don't let aggressive feelings get started.
Use the same preventive methods just recommended for
preventing frustration.
( c) Suppress the aggression until you can
eliminate the frustration which caused it. Overt aggression
can be suppressed in direct proportion to the severity of
inescapable punishment. However, suppressed aggression
leads to more frustration, which leads to more aggression.
So don't suppress the aggression long-and work rapidly
to eliminate the frustration which caused it.
( d ) Channel aggression into beneficial activi-
ties, useful purposes. Aggression is not, in itseH, evil or
undesirable. Aggression can stimulate terrific energy which,
if directed into worthwhile channels, can lead to great
achievement. Many a mediocre person has become so
aggressive against the frustrations of life which were hold-
ing him back, that he attacked his problems with such
energy and determination that success was inevitable and
his life goal was quickly attained.
I have tried, in this chapter, to outline some of
the facts about the frustration-aggression cycle which is
such a powerful factor at all levels, from infant behavior
to international relations. In so limited space, it was not
my purpose to fully solve many of the problems outlined,
but I hope I have kept the promise in the title of this book
and given you some "Thoughts To Build On".