An animal might adjust to its natural environ-
ment and its relations with other animals and thus tem-
porarily survive-but if that animal did not improve at a
rate equal to, or exceeding, that of competing animals, it
soon would become so inferior that it would no longer
survive the competition of the other animals which had
become increasingly superior.
Thus, by a study of the history of evolution of
all plants and animals, we find that the two steps for
survival set forth at the beginning of this chapter have been
necessary from the first stages of life on this planet to and
including the present.
So let's see how these two steps for survival
apply to various situations in present times and let's start
with a specific example: YOU!
Let's apply step number one: Adjust to your
existing environment. In your family, home, neighborhood,
job, business; wherever you are at any time-you first must
"fit in," adjust, cooperate, participate and (you may not
like this word) conform.
What? In a free country? Can't you do what
you like?
Can't you be unconventional? Can't you ex-
press your individuality, no matter how radical? Why
must you <Cfit in," adjust, conform?
The answer is quick and simple: You must
first "fit in", adjust, conform, in order to "survive". Of
course, I don't mean "survive" in terms of life and death,
although that sometimes has been the case. I mean "sur-