individual’s point of view and to provide a basis for discus-
sion – many people underestimate themselves.
- Discuss performance, not personality. Discussions on
performance should be based on factual evidence, not
opinion. Always refer to actual events or behaviour and to
results compared with agreed performance measures.
Individuals should be given plenty of scope to explain why
something did or did not happen. Don’t deliver unexpected
criticisms – there should be no surprises. The discussion
should only be concerned with events or behaviours which
have been noted at the time they took place. Feedback on
performance should be immediate. It should not wait until
the end of the year.
- Encourage analysis of performance. Don’t just hand out praise
or blame. Analyse jointly and objectively why things went
well or badly and what can be done to maintain a high stan-
dard or to avoid problems in the future.
- Agree measurable objectives and a plan of action. The aim should
be to end the review meeting on a positive note.
How to Manage Performance 171