How to manage time
I wasted time, now doth time waste me (Richard II).
If you were told by your chairman that you were needed for a
special assignment which would mean working directly under
him, give you the opportunity to deal with strategic issues,
broaden your experience and provide you with excellent promo-
tion prospects, would you take it? The answer would, of course,
be yes. If, however, you were told that you would spend one day
a week on this assignment and carry out your present duties in
the remaining four days, would you still accept the job? Of
course you would. But you would be admitting that you could, if
you organized yourself better, do your existing work in four-
fifths of the time you spend on it at the moment.
To recover that one-fifth or more, you need to think systemati-
cally about how you use your time. You can then take steps to
organize yourself better and to get other people to help or at least
not to hinder you.
The first thing to do is to find out where there is scope for
improving your use of time.