Better Manager 7th prelims:Better Manager 7th edition

(Ron) #1

  1. Decide on your strategy and tactics – your opening offer, the
    steps you are going to take, the concessions you are prepared
    to offer and the arguments you are going to use.

  2. Collect the facts needed to support your case.

  3. Assemble any documents you need, such as standard
    contract terms.

  4. In a trade union negotiation:

■ Select the negotiating team. This should never have
fewer than two members, and for major negotiations
should have three or more: one to take the lead, one to

How to Negotiate 237

Union Management

Claim 15

Negotiating Target 12 12 Maximum Settlement
range range
Minimum 10 10 Target

  • 8 Offer

Figure 38.1 Negotiating range with a settlement zone

Union Management

Claim 15

Negotiating Target^12
range Minimum 10 Negotiating
9 Maximum gap

  • 8 Target


Figure 38.2 Negotiating range without a settlement zone
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