Better Manager 7th prelims:Better Manager 7th edition

(Ron) #1
offered more positively than at the bargaining stage: ‘If you
will agree to settle at x, I will concede y.’

  1. Doing a deal: You might split the difference, or bring in
    something new – such as extending the settlement time-
    scale, agreeing to back payments, phasing increases, making
    a joint declaration of intent to do something in the future (for
    example to introduce a productivity plan), or offering an
    incentive discount.

  2. Summarizing what has happened to date, emphasizing the
    concessions that have been made and the extent to which
    you have moved, and stating that you have reached your
    final position.

  3. Applying pressure through a threat of the consequences
    which will follow if your offer is not accepted.

  4. Giving your opponent a choice between two courses of

Do not make a final offer unless you mean it. If it is not really
your final offer and your opponent calls your bluff, you will have
to make further concessions and your credibility will be under-
mined. He or she will, of course, attempt to force you into
revealing how close you are to your final position. Do not allow
yourself to be hurried into this. If you want to avoid committing
yourself and thus devaluing the word ‘final’, state as positively
as you can that this is as far as you are prepared to go.

How to Negotiate 243
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