Better Manager 7th prelims:Better Manager 7th edition

(Ron) #1

How to organize

An effective enterprise ensures that collective effort is organized
to achieve specific ends. Organizing involves dividing the
overall management task into a variety of processes and activi-
ties and then establishing means of ensuring that these processes
are carried out effectively and that the activities are coordinated.
It is about differentiating activities in times of uncertainty and
change, integrating them – grouping them together to achieve
the organization’s overall purpose – and ensuring that effective
information flows and channels of communication are main-


Organization design is based on the analysis of activities,
processes, decisions, information flows and roles. It produces a
structure which consists of positions and units between which
there are relationships involving cooperation, the exercise of
authority and the exchange of information.
Within the structure there will be line managers who are
responsible for achieving results in the organization’s key areas
of activity by managing teams and individuals, and specialists
who provide support, guidance and advice to the line.


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