Top management takes the lead by communicating the values
governing continuous improvement, emphasising the need for
everyone to be involved, and setting out strategic goals. Line
managers develop the top management message in association
with their teams, translating it into their own departmental
context and agreeing team goals.
The communications should emphasize that everyone is
expected to operate proactively in the search for improvement
rather than let problems arise and then react to them.
The achievement of continuous improvement should involve
everyone in the organization. It is necessary to consider how
involvement can take place either in the form of group activities
or by getting individuals and teams to act as assessors or veri-
fiers. Setting up improvement groups means that an intensive
training programme has to be planned and implemented.
Involvement can be organized formally by means of:
■ Improvement groups– these act upon broad management-
given directives and advice. They are often inter-depart-
■ Problem-solving teams– these are teams brought together to
solve specific management-directed problems.
■ Quality circles– teams made up from members of one depart-
ment or work area, identifying their own projects to develop.
They may be composed of volunteers and management or
supervision may not be directly involved in the teams’ delib-
erations although they will take part in evaluating proposals
and ensuring that they are implemented.
Facilitators may be made available from within the organization
to act as educators, trainers and coaches to teams, not only on
specific problem-solving techniques but also on the general
philosophy of continuous improvement.
34 How to be an Even Better Manager