Better Manager 7th prelims:Better Manager 7th edition

(Ron) #1

  1. The chairman states the problem, avoiding the trap of
    defining it too narrowly.

  2. The chairman opens the session by a phrase such as ‘In how
    many ways can we...?’

  3. The chairman encourages people to contribute and prevents
    any attempt to evaluate ideas. From time to time he or she
    may restate the problem.

  4. The note-taker condenses the ideas suggested and lists them
    on flip charts, not attempting to act as an editor or worrying
    about duplications at this stage. The session should not be
    tape recorded as this may inhibit ideas.

  5. The chairman keeps on encouraging the group to contribute,
    trying to get people to freewheel and produce as many ideas
    as possible – good, bad, indifferent, sensible or silly. He or
    she keeps the pace going and never comments or allows
    anyone else to comment on a contribution. Every idea is
    treated as relevant.

  6. The chairman closes the meeting after 30 minutes or so – 45
    minutes at most. The session must not be allowed to drag

  7. Evaluation takes place later, possibly with a different group.
    At this session the aim is to:

  • Select ideas for immediate use.

  • Identify ideas for further exploration.

  • Review any different approaches which have been
    revealed by the session.

Brainstorming is a useful technique for releasing ideas, over-
coming inhibitions, cross-fertilizing ideas and getting away from
patterned thinking. It needs to be planned and executed care-
fully and proper evaluation is essential.
Use it selectively, where there seems to be ample scope for
different ideas. It will not solve all your problems but can help
you to crash through the barriers erected by the traditional
approaches to decision making.
Remember that however creative you are, what you finally
decide on has to work. Brainstorming and other techniques for
in creasing creativity will help you to break new ground, but
eventu ally you will have to think clearly and analytically about
the pros and cons of the preferred solution before making your
final decision.

52 How to be an Even Better Manager

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