VHDL Programming

(C. Jardin) #1

CPU: RTL Simulation 347

(250 ns, ‘ 1 ’, ‘ 0 ’, ‘ 1 ’, 201, 160),
(260 ns, ‘ 0 ’, ‘ 0 ’, ‘ 1 ’, 0, 161));

VARIABLE ev_time : time;

FOR i in stim_array’RANGE LOOP

ev_time := stim_array(i).event_time;

IF (now < ev_time) THEN -- wait until the
vector time
WAIT FOR ev_time - now;

-- assign ld value
ld <= stim_array(i).ld;

-- assign up_dwn value
up_dwn <= stim_array(i).up_dwn;

-- assign clk_en value
clk_en <= stim_array(i).clk_en;

-- assign din value
din <= stim_array(i).din;

-- check qout value
assert qout = stim_array(i).qout REPORT “vector

ASSERT false REPORT “Test complete”;

The fast testbench looks similar to the other testbench styles in that it
has a top-level entity that instantiates a DUT and a process that generates
the stimulus. What’s different is that, instead of reading the stimulus
vectors from a file, the vectors are compiled into the testbench model.
The testbench declares a record type that contains a field for each
input signal (and output signal, if a full testbench is being modeled).
Next, the model declares an array of the record type that contains the
vector values. A variable of the array type is declared and then initialized
with the vector values. A whileloop reads each record of the array, waits
until the vector time is active, and applies the vector values to the design
inputs, similar to the way the file was read using TextIO. Notice that array
and record indexing is used to select each signal value.
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