end for;
end topconrtl;
configuration topconstruct of top is
for behave
for U1 : cpu use entity work.cpu(EPF10K10TC144_a3);
end for;
end for;
end topconstruct;
Configuration topconrtlspecifies the rtlimplementation configuration
for entity top, and configuration topconstructspecifies the structural
implementation. Notice that the structural architecture was named the
same as the device that was implemented by the place and route tools.
To complete the simulation setup process, the final compilations
needed are shown here:
vcom top.vhd
vcom topconstruct.vhd
After these steps, the design is ready for simulation. To load the design
into the simulator, the following command is executed:
vsim topconstruct
The simulator brings up its windows and begins the simulation. If the
simulation is run ahead 500 nanoseconds, we can see the CPU start the
reset sequence as instructions are fetched. This is shown in Figure 17-5.
396 Chapter Seventeen
Figure 17-5
The Simulator