Science - USA (2022-01-28)

(Antfer) #1

microbial ureolytic activity. Ureolysis was
greatest in summer squirrels (Fig. 3D and
fig. S4B), consistent with greater bacterial
abundance in summer versus hibernating
squirrels (fig. S5). Nevertheless, microbial ureolysis
continued throughout hibernation.
The metagenomes of hibernating squirrels
trended toward higher percentages of urease
genes than those of summer squirrels (Fig. 3E)
across the seven urease-related genes (Fig.
3F). This suggests that during hibernation, a
higher percentage of microbes have the poten-
tial to hydrolyze urea. Indeed,Alistipes—the
bacterial genus with the greatest detectable
genomic representation of urease genes in
early and late winter squirrels (Fig. 3G)—is
predominant during hibernation, with a six-

fold population increase between the summer
and late winter groups ( 9 ).
To benefit the host, microbial ureolytic ac-
tivity would need to provide nitrogenous com-
pounds such as amino acids and/or ammonia.
Using two-dimensional^1 H-^15 N NMR spectros-
copy, we found that more^15 N was incorporated
into the cecal content and liver metabolomes of
microbiome-intact compared with microbiome-
depleted squirrels (Fig. 4, A and B), a trend
that—with a few exceptions—also held for
specific metabolites such as ammonia, glutamine,
and alanine (Fig. 4, A and B).^15 N-metabolite
levels also varied seasonally. In cecum con-
tents, early and late winter metabolite levels
were generally lower than summer levels,
whereas in the liver, early and late winter

metabolite levels were generally higher than
summer levels and were typically highest in
the late winter group (Fig. 4, A and B). For
muscle, metabolite^15 N incorporation was gen-
erally unaffected by the presence of a micro-
biome (Fig. 4C), which could be due to the
timing of our^13 C,^15 N-urea dosing and tissue
sampling protocols. When tissues were sampled,
the^15 N-amino acids from the initial^13 C,^15 N-urea
into muscle protein, thus explaining the
microbiome-dependent^15 N-protein results
(Fig. 4C), whereas the 3 hours between the
second dose and tissue sampling may have
been too brief for^15 N-metabolites to appear
in muscle. Rather, the muscle^15 N-metabolite
levels may represent microbiome-independent
background^15 N levels, which is consistent with
the equivalent^15 N-metabolite abundances in
the muscle of squirrels treated with labeled
and unlabeled urea and with intact and depleted
microbiomes (table S1). 28 JANUARY 2022¥VOL 375 ISSUE 6579 461







Plasma urea concentration (mg dl



Summer Early


Season: P<0.0001
Microbiome: P=0.0002







UT-B abundance mg



Summer Late Winter

Season: P=0.0002
Microbiome: P<0.0001

Fig. 2. Plasma urea concentration and cecal urea
transporter (UT-B) expression.(A) Plasma urea
concentration in urea-treated squirrels with intact
(filled bars) and depleted (open bars) gut microbiomes
(n= 4 to 5 animals). (B) UT-B protein abundance per
milligram of cecal protein in cecum tissue (n= 12;
immunoblots in fig. S8). A subset of nonÐurea-treated
squirrels was used that lacked the early winter group.
Two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) results are
shown in each panel.

Plasma urea

UT-B abundance:

Microbial urease

CO 2 excretion:

Urea N incorporation
into host NH 3 :

% urease genes in

Urea N incorporation
into host AA:

Urea N incorporation
into host metabolome:


Urea N incorporation
into host protein:

Urea nitrogen

Late Winter
relative to

Liver glutamine
synthetase activity:


Fig. 1. Proposed mechanism for urea nitrogen salvage and relative changes during hibernation.
(A) Urea (yellow triangles), endogenously produced by the liver, is transported by epithelial urea transporters
(UT-B; brown squares) from blood into the cecal lumen where it is hydrolyzed into CO 2 and NH 3 by
urease-expressing gut microbes. CO 2 is excreted by the host and/or fixed by microbes. NH 3 is absorbed by
the host and converted into amino acids (AAs) and/or urea in the liver, or used by microbes to synthesize
AAs (circles) which are incorporated into the microbial proteome or potentially absorbed by the host through
ceco-colonic amino acid transporters (purple squares) ( 11 ). Ultimately, the AAs are used to synthesize
protein (blue ovals) in host tissues, recycling the urea nitrogen. (B) Arrows indicate how processes change
(increase, decrease, no change) in winter versus summer as revealed by this study. All changes are based on
statistically significant results except for percentage of urease genes in the metagenome (P= 0.083).

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