- Bird diversity survey methods List of Contributors xvii
- 1.1 Introduction Colin J. Bibby
- 1.2 Designing the fieldwork
- 1.3 Finding the birds
- 1.4 Standardizing the effort by time and space
- 1.5 Standardizing the effort by McKinnon’s list method
- 1.6 Atlas studies
- 1.7 Estimating species richness
- 1.8 Conclusion
- Bird census and survey techniques
- 2.1 Introduction Richard D. Gregory, David W. Gibbons, and Paul F. Donald
- 2.1.1 What are bird surveys and why do we need them?
- 2.1.2 What is monitoring and why do we need it?
- 2.1.3 Useful sources of information
- 2.1.4 Begin at the beginning
- 2.1.5 Population size or index?
- 2.1.6 Survey boundaries
- 2.1.7 Census or sample?
- 2.1.8 Sampling strategy
- 2.1.9 Sampling unit
- 2.1.10Field methods
- 2.1.11 Accuracy, precision, and bias
- 2.2 Sampling strategies
- 2.2.1 How many sampling units?
- 2.2.2 Which sampling units to count?
- 2.2.3 Using stratification
- 2.3 Field methods
- 2.3.1 Mapping
- 2.3.2 Transects
- 2.3.3 Line transects
- 2.3.4 Point transects
- 2.3.5 Rules for recording birds in the field
- 2.3.6 Choosing between line and point transects
- 2.3.7 Detection probabilities
- 2.3.8 Colonial birds
- 2.3.9 Counting roosts and flocks
- 2.3.10 Counting leks
- 2.3.11 Counting migrants
- 2.3.12 Capture techniques
- 2.3.13 Tape playback
- 2.3.14 Vocal individuality
- 2.4 Conclusions
- Breeding biology
- 3.1 Introduction Rhys E. Green
- 3.2 Choosing study areas
- 3.3 Measuring the success of individual breeding attempts
- 3.3.1Finding and selecting nests
- 3.3.2Recording the stage of a breeding attempt when it is located
- 3.3.3Precautions to take so that nests can be relocated for checking
- 3.3.4Nest checking
- 3.3.5Determination of chick survival for species with precocial young
- 3.3.6Estimation of nest success from nest check data
- 3.4 Determination of the proximate causes of breeding failure
- 3.4.1Signs left at the nest
- 3.4.2Wax or plasticine eggs in the nests of wild birds
- 3.4.3Cameras
- 3.4.4Temperature loggers
- 3.5 Using artificial nests to measure nest success and causes of failure
- 3.6 Measuring annual productivity
- 3.6.1Why measure annual productivity?
- 3.6.2Productivity from counts after the breeding season
- 3.6.3Productivity from captures after the breeding season
- 3.6.4Intensive studies of breeding
- the breeding season 3.6.5Indices of productivity from surveys during
- 3.6.6Use of simulation models
- 3.7 Timing of breeding
- 3.8 Measurements of eggs and chicks
- 3.9 Proximate and ultimate causes of breeding failure
- proximate causes of breeding failure 3.10 Value of experiments to disentangle ultimate and
- Birds in the hand
- 4.1 Introduction Andrew Gosler
- 4.2 Welfare, ethical, and legislative issues
- 4.3 Catching the birds
- 4.3.1The breeding season
- 4.3.2Cage traps
- 4.3.3Spring traps
- 4.3.4A couple of nestbox traps
- 4.3.5Noose-carpet traps
- 4.3.6Mist-nets
- 4.3.7Clap-nets and whoosh-nets
- 4.3.8Canon-nets
- 4.3.9Capture by hand
- 4.4 Individual marking
- 4.5 Notes on bird handling
- 4.6 The bird at close quarters
- 4.6.1Age and molt
- 4.6.2Sex
- 4.6.3Weight
- 4.6.4Color, for example, UV reflectance
- 4.7 Size
- 4.7.1 Body size
- 4.7.2 Wing
- 4.7.3 Tail
- 4.7.4 Tarsus
- 4.7.5 Tarsus-and-toe
- 4.7.6 Bill
- 4.7.7 Total-head
- 4.7.8 Claw, eye-ring, and other measures
- 4.8 Condition
- 4.8.1Asymmetry
- 4.8.2Relative mass
- 4.8.3Fat reserves
- 4.8.4Muscle protein
- 4.8.5Physiological measures
- 4.8.6Molt and plumage
- 4.8.7Parasites
- 4.9 Biopsy
- Estimating survival and movement
- 5.1 Introduction James D. Nichols, William L. Kendall, and Michael C. Runge
- 5.2 Tag type and subsequent encounters
- 5.3 Survival rates
- 5.3.1Radio-telemetry
- 5.3.2Capture–recapture/resighting
- 5.3.3Band recovery
- 5.4 Movement
- 5.4.1Radio-telemetry
- 5.4.2Capture–recapture/resighting
- 5.4.3Band recovery
- 5.5 Summary and general recommendations
- Radio-tagging
- 6.1 Introduction Robert Kenward
- 6.2 Choice of techniques
- 6.2.1Constraints on radio tagging
- 6.2.2Applications and advantages
- 6.2.3Considerations for tag attachment
- 6.3 Forward planning
- 6.3.1Equipment
- 6.3.2Mobile tracking
- 6.3.3Software
- 6.4 Approaches
- 6.4.1Pilot studies
- 6.4.2Recording locations
- 6.4.3Using location data
- 6.4.4Demography
- 6.5 The future
- Migration
- 7.1 Introduction Susanne Åkesson and Anders Hedenström
- 7.2 Migration systems
- 7.2.1Mark-recapture
- 7.2.2Morphology
- 7.2.3Genetic markers
- 7.2.4Stable isotopes
- 7.3 Migration behavior and strategies
- 7.3.1Counting and observing migrants
- 7.3.2Tracking migrants Contents|xi
- 7.3.3Remote sensing: infrared device
- 7.3.4Remote sensing: radar
- 7.3.5Stopover
- 7.4 Physiology of migration
- 7.4.1Body composition
- 7.4.2Energetics
- 7.4.3Endocrinology
- 7.5 Flight in wind tunnels
- 7.6 Orientation and navigation
- 7.6.1Emlen funnels
- 7.6.2Manipulating sensory input
- 7.6.3Displacement experiments
- 7.6.4Selection experiments
- 7.6.5Circular statistics
- 7.7 Modeling migration
- 7.8 Concluding remarks
- 7.3.1Counting and observing migrants
- Information from dead and dying birds
- 8.1 Introduction John E. Cooper
- 8.1.1Terminology—definitions and explanation
- 8.1.2Methodology—an overview of techniques
- 8.2 The postmortemexamination
- 8.3 Health and safety
- 8.4Postmortemexaminations (necropsies)
- 8.5 Laboratory investigations
- 8.6 Interpretation of findings
- 8.7 Legal aspects
- 8.8 Conclusions
- Techniques in physiology and genetics
- 9.1 Introduction Alistair Dawson
- 9.2 Sampling techniques
- 9.2.1Ethical considerations
- 9.2.2Legal considerations—catching wild birds for research
- 9.2.3Legal considerations—scientific experiments on birds
- 9.2.4Housing and husbandry
- 9.2.5Blood sampling
- 9.2.6Administration of substances
- 9.2.7Anesthesia
- 9.2.8Implants
- 9.2.9Laparotomy
- 9.3 Ecotoxicology
- 9.4 Endocrinology
- 9.5 Energetics
- 9.6 Molecular genetics
- Techniques in physiology and genetics
- Diet and foraging behavior
- 10.1 Introduction William J. Sutherland
- 10.2 Diet composition
- 10.2.1 Direct observation
- 10.2.2 Nest observations
- 10.2.3 Remains and signs
- 10.2.4 Dropping analysis
- 10.2.5 Pellet analysis
- 10.2.6 Stomach analysis
- 10.2.7 Direct observations of crop
- 10.2.8 Regurgitates
- 10.2.9 Cafeteria experiments
- 10.2.10Morphology
- 10.2.11Neck ligatures
- 10.2.12Emetics and flushing
- 10.2.13Isotope differences between habitats
- 10.3 Determining prey size
- 10.3.1 Direct observation of prey size
- 10.3.2 Determining size from prey remains
- 10.3.3 Determining prey size from regurgitates
- 10.3.4 Measuring fragments in pellets, droppings, or stomach
- 10.4 Prey quality
- 10.4.1 Energy content
- 10.4.2 Prey digestibility
- 10.5 Foraging behavior
- 10.5.1 Time budgets
- 10.5.2 Time spent feeding per day
- 10.5.3 Night observations
- 10.5.4 Handling time
- 10.5.5 Intake rate and the functional response
- 10.5.6 Interference
- 10.5.7 Depletion
- 10.5.8 Prey availability
- 10.5.9 Exclosures
- 10.5.10Mate provisioning and brood provisioning rates
- Habitat assessment
- 11.1 Introduction William J. Sutherland and Rhys E. Green
- 11.1.1Habitat associations
- 11.1.2Documenting changes over time
- 11.2 Protocols
- 11.3 Physical environment
- 11.3.1Temperature and thermoregulation
- 11.3.2Rainfall and soil wetness
- 11.3.3Slope, aspect, elevation, and topography
- 11.3.4Type, chemistry, and penetrability of soils
- 11.3.5Water chemistry
- 11.4 Vegetation
- 11.4.1Mapping of broad habitat types
- 11.4.2Species composition of vegetation
- 11.4.3Vegetation architecture
- 11.5 Quantifying habitat selection
- areas of the habitats available tracked birds in each of several habitats with the relative
- of those units tracked birds in spatial units to the habitat composition
- known to be unused at places that are representative of the study area or
- 11.6 Food abundance and availability
- 11.7 Predator abundance
- 11.8 Disturbance
- Conservation management of endangered birds
- 12.1 Introduction Carl G. Jones
- 12.2 Process in the restoration of endangered species
- 12.2.1Step one: know your species
- and test remedial action 12.2.2Step two: diagnose causes of population decline
- 12.2.3Stage three: intensive management
- 12.2.4Stage four: population management
- 12.2.5Stage five: monitoring
- 12.2.1Step one: know your species
- 12.3 Broad population management approaches
- 12.3.1Supplemental feeding
- 12.3.2Enhancing nest-sites and the provision of nest-boxes
- 12.3.3Disease control
- 12.3.4Predator control
- 12.4 Intensive management of focal pairs
- 12.4.1Close guarding and monitoring of nests
- 12.4.2Clutch and brood manipulations
- 12.5 Reintroduction and translocations
- 12.5.1Reintroduction
- 12.5.2Translocations
- 12.6 Supportive management for bird restoration projects
- 12.6.1Role of captive facilities
- 12.6.2Model or surrogate species
- 12.6.3Artificial incubation and hand-rearing
- 12.7 Integrated management
- 12.8 Discussion
- Exploitation
- 13.1 Introduction: assessment of exploitation Michael C. Runge, William L. Kendall, and James D. Nichols
- 13.1.1Taking a conservative approach
- 13.1.2Minimum estimates of population size
- 13.1.3Estimates of harvest levels
- 13.1.4Population models and associated parameters
- 13.1.5The use of trends
- 13.2 Theoretical basis for sustainable exploitation
- 13.2.1Logistic growth model with perfect information
- biological removal 13.2.2Incorporating uncertainty: potential
- 13.2.3A note about other methods of assessing sustainability
- 13.2.1Logistic growth model with perfect information
- 13.3 Harvest control and management objectives
- 13.3.1Harvest management strategies
- 13.3.2Harvest management objectives
- 13.4 Assessing harvest levels
- 13.4.1Total harvest (H) versus harvest rate (h)
- 13.4.2Harvest estimation when harvest is legal and observable
- 13.4.3Harvest estimation when harvest is illegal
- 13.4.4Measuring harvest rate
- 13.5 Assessing population size
- 13.5.1Overview
- 13.5.2Coping with uncertainty
- 13.6 Assessing population dynamics
- 13.6.1Maximum growth rate (rmax)
- 13.6.2Other aspects of density dependence
- 13.6.3Other driving forces
- 13.6.4Model structure
- 13.7 Addressing uncertainty
- 13.7.1 Motivation
- 13.7.2 Management experiments
- 13.7.3 Adaptive management
- Habitat management
- 14.1 Introduction Malcolm Ausden
- 14.2 Deciding what to do
- 14.3 Monitoring
- 14.4 General principles of managing habitats for birds
- 14.4.1Factors influencing habitat use by birds
- 14.4.2Taking account of the requirements of non-bird species
- 14.4.3Controlling unwanted plants
- 14.4.4Taking account of predicted climate change
- 14.5 Managing grasslands
- 14.5.1Introduction
- 14.5.2Effects of cutting and burning on sward condition
- 14.5.3Effects of grazing on sward condition
- 14.5.4Minimizing nest and chick loss during management
- 14.5.5Using fertilizer
- 14.5.6Hydrology of wet grasslands
- 14.6 Managing dwarf shrub habitats
- 14.7 Managing forests and scrub
- 14.7.1 Introduction
- 14.7.2 Grazing and browsing
- 14.7.3 Burning
- 14.7.4 Planting and harvesting regimes
- 14.7.5 Thinning and creating gaps
- 14.7.6 Increasing the quantity of dead wood
- 14.8 Managing deep water
- 14.9 Managing wetlands
- ruderal vegetation, and swamp 14.9.1Manipulating the proportions of open water,
- 14.9.2Increasing food abundance for birds in shallow freshwater
- and saline water 14.9.3Increasing food abundance for birds in shallow brackish
- 14.9.4Increasing accessibility of food for birds in shallow water
- 14.9.5Providing islands and rafts
- 14.9.6Managing reedbeds
- 14.9.7Scrub
- 14.9.8Wet woodlands
- 14.10 Managing intertidal habitats
- 14.11 Managing arable land and hedgerows
- 14.12 Conclusions
- Index
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(Tina Sui)