294 |Conservation management of endangered birds
Table 12.1 The management techniques used in the restoration of four Critically
Endangered island endemics
Management technique Mauritius Pink Echo Black
Kestrel pigeon parakeet Robin
Supplemental feeding of
free-living adults
Supplemental feeding of N/a
released birds
Supplemental feeding of — *
dependent young
Nest site enhancement —
Provision of artificial nest sites *
Egg manipulations
Fostering of young *
Cross fostering of young *
Nest guarding
Rescue of eggs and young from
failing nests
Captive breeding N/a
Release of captive bred/reared * N/a
Translocation of free-living birds —
Predator control in breeding areas —
Predator control at supplemental — —
feeding sites
Predator control at release sites N/a
Predator exclusion (fencing) — — —
Control of nest competitors —
Disease control * *
Control of disease vectors — — —
Genetic management
Habitat restoration —
*Management technique used experimentally or on small scale and did not have a significant effect
on the population.
**Technique used extensively and is thought to, or known to have had a beneficial effect on the
N/aNot applicable.
For details of these techniques and their application see Cade and Jones (1994), Jones and Duffy
(1993), Jones et al. (1991, 1992, 1995, 1998, 1999), Jones and Hartley (1995) and Jones and
Swinnerton (1997), Butler and Merton (1992).