Bird Ecology and Conservation A Handbook of Techniques

(Tina Sui) #1

software to help select 143
transmission life 142
type and subsequent encounters 120
with photo-sensors 144
tail-mounts 145
tail size 106
Takahe 289–91
tape playback 50–1
interpretation, census work involving 50
Tapper, S. C. 79
target list of likely species 5, 8
tarsus measurement 106
tarsus-and-toe size 108
Taylor, B. L. 306
technical census approaches 2
temporal or monitoring studies 13
territory or spot mapping, method of 37
testing procedures for use on live and dead
birds 195
thermistor 80
spent feeding per day 245
units 6
Time-difference of arrival (TDOA)
systems 157
Timed Species Count Score (TSC) 7
time-specific models 126
of breeding 76–8
methods for studying the 77
of migration flights 165
tip (dertrum) 108
adhesives 221
residues of pollutants 221
tomiaof the mandibles 108
total bird length 104
total body electrical conductivity
(TOBEC) 169–70
bird’s 113
system 170, 192
total-head measurement 110
automated, cost of 143
from vehicles 150
radar 168
transects 23, 38–9
choosing between line and point 41–2
comparison of line and point 42
line 38–40
point 40–1
types of 38
transmitters, life span
of 167
trapping of birds for research reasons 85

cage 87, 90
nest-box 91
noose-carpet 91–2
“passive” 90
spring 90–1
suction 264
wader 90
trap-shyness 90
Treecreeper 276
tree-nesting colonies 44
Tree Pipit 347
Tree Sparrow 276
Tree Swallow 242
trends in population size or harvest levels,
use of 304
Trichosurus vulpecula 279
Tricolored Heron, clutch and blood
manipulation 285
Triglycerids 171
Tringa totanus 361
Tropical Nest Fly 278
Trumpeter Swan, supplemental feeding during
the winter 273
Tufted Titmouse 349
Tyler, J. A. 239
ultra high frequencies (UHF)
tags 141
signals 142
ultrasound scanning 170
unadjusted counts 43
raw 42
uncertainty, addressing
management experiments 322
uneven variance between two habitats 26
United Kingdom
Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986,
The 115, 183, 213, 215
headline indicator of wild bird
populations 19
Quality of Lifeindicator showing population
trends among native breeding
birds 19
Home Office licence for DNA analysis
Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981) 212
United States
atlas based on sampling 10
Bird Banding Laboratory 128
birds (and rodents) excluded from animal
welfare legislation 215
Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) 212
Forest Service 212

Index| 385
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