Sustainable diets and biodiversity

(Marcin) #1


Figure 2.Trends of headline indicators of the 2010 biodiversity
target with indicators of particular relevance to food and nutrition
highlighted in red boxes (Secretariat of the Convention
on Biological Diversity, 2010).

  1. Future scenarios for global biodiversity and
    impacts for health
    To examine different possible futures, GBO- 3 exam-
    ined available models that project the likely out-
    come of differing trends for biodiversity in the
    coming decades, and reviewed their implications for
    human societies. Three of the main conclusions
    from the analysis are that the projected impact of
    global change on biodiversity shows continuing and

often accelerating species extinctions, loss of natural
habitat, and changes in the distribution and abundance
of species, species groups and biomes over the
twenty-first century; secondly, there is a high risk
of dramatic biodiversity loss and accompanying
broad range of ecosystem services if the Earth’s
systems are pushed beyond certain tipping points
(Figure 3); and thirdly, the study concludes that
biodiversity loss and ecosystem changes could be
prevented, significantly reduced or even reversed,
if strong action is applied urgently, comprehensively
and appropriately, at international, national and
local levels.

Status and trends of the components of biological diversity

Ecosystem integrity and ecosystem goods and services

Threats to biodiversity

Sustainable use

Status of traditional knowledge, innovations and practices

Status of access and benefit sharing

Status of resources transfers


Connectivity - fragmentation of ecosystems

Water quality of aquatic ecosystems

Trends in extent of selected biomes,
ecosystem and habitats

Trends in abundance and distribution
of selected species

Change in status of threatened species

Trends in genetic diversity of domesticated
animals, coltivated plants, and fish species
of major socio-economic importance

Coverage of protected areas


Nitrogen deposition

Trends in invasive alien species

Area of forest, agricultural and
aquaculture ecosystems under
sustainable management

Ecological footprint and related concepts

Status and trends of linguistic diversity
and numbers of speakers of indigenous

Indicators of access and benefit-sharing
to be developed

Official development assistance (ODA)
provided in support of the Convention


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