How Digital Photography Works

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shutter-priority mode An automatic exposure system in which you set the shutter speed and
the camera selects the aperture (f-stop) used to make the exposure.

SmartMedia A memory card developed by Toshiba that uses flash memory to store data. It mea-
sures 45mm ×37mm and is less than 1mm thick. Available in capacities to 128MB.

softbox A lighting enclosure that includes one side fitted with a material that diffuses light to
make lighting and shadows cast by it seem less harsh. The larger the diffusing surface, the softer the
lighting.See also umbrella.

SpeedliteandSpeedlight Trademarked terms for flash units made, respectively, by Canon and


tagged image file format See TIFF.

thermal wax printer Like a dye-sublimation printer, thermal wax printers transfer colors from
RGB, CMY, or CMYK ribbons containing waxes, which are warmed and fused onto special papers.
These printers generally have excellent imaging quality with poor text quality.

threshold A color or light value of a pixel before software or a camera does anything with the
pixel’s information. For example, blue values might be substituted with red values, but only if the blue
pixels have an intensity within a certain range of values. The higher the threshold, the fewer pixels

thumbnail A small image that represents a bigger version of the same picture.

TIFF A popular lossless image format used by professional photographers and designers. It is also
the most common format for scanned images.

TWAIN An industry-standard method for allowing a scanner to communicate directly with image
editing software or a word processor.


umbrella Literally, just what it sounds like it is. But in studio photography, umbrellas may be much
larger than the ones used to ward off rain, and they are made of a white material that diffuses light
passing through it. Studio light may be aimed into the “underside” of an umbrella so light passes
through the material to cast a soft light on the subject. Or, the underside may be pointed toward the
subject, and the light is then reflected off the concave surface to achieve much the same effect. See
also softbox.

upload Sending files from a device, such as a digital camera or memory card, to a computer.

variable-focus A lens whose range of focus can be changed from a close distance to infinity.

(^212212) GLOSSARY

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