Historical Painting Techniques, Materials, and Studio Practice

(Steven Felgate) #1


  1. MacCoull, L. S. B. 19 93. The Apa Apollos Monastery ofPharaon and its papyrus
    archive. In Museon. Tome 10 6, note 11. MacCoull cites Les Sycamores, a book
    about the accomplishments of 19 30s Coptic cultural figures that was published
    in 1978 in Cairo.

  2. Baum, N. 19 88. Arbres et Arbrusles d'Egypte ancienne. Orientalia Lovainiensis An­
    alecta. Leuven, 17 -75.

  3. Moftah, R. 19 59. Die Heiligen Baume im Altem Agypten. Ph.D. diss. Gottingen:

  4. My thanks to Egyptologists Ramses Moftah and Michael Jones in Cairo for
    encouraging this line of interdisciplinary inquiry. OlafE. Kaper provided suitable

  5. Zanetti, U. 1993. Matarieh, La sainte famille et les baumiers. In Analecta Bollan­
    diana (1 11 ):21-68.

  6. Moftah, op. cit., 23.

  7. These are concepts that belong to religious tradition and are transm.itted in a
    way that cannot always be scientifically investigated, which should not dim.inish
    their sign.ificance. I would like to thank the priests of the church of St. Mercurius
    Abu's-Saifain for their kind support in the project, as well as my senior trainees
    Magdi Mansour Badawy, Hanan Nairouz, and Mona Hussein, for their assistance.

  8. Abu-el-Makarim, a Coptic priest from the church Harat Zuweilah in Cairo, lef t
    a manuscript dated 1206 that describes the monasteries and churches of the Nile
    Delta. He mentions that in the church of St. George at Netel near Port Said,
    one icon of St. George is painted on a piece of the very wood used to torture
    the martyr saint himself. See Father Samuel. 19 90. Icons et iconographie en
    Egypte au XIIe siecle d'apres Ie manuscrit d'Abu-el-Makarim, publie en Arabe
    en Caire en 19 84. Le Monde Copte, No. 18. Limoges.

Historical Painting Techniques, Materials, and Studio Practice
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