Historical Painting Techniques, Materials, and Studio Practice

(Steven Felgate) #1

Plate 20. Cross section oj Sample 3, taken
Jrom the olive-green background near the leg
oj Nicodemus in the Deposition on the
east wall. The charcoal black inclusions
within the plaster substrate are clearly vis­
ible; over this, a layer oj natural ultrama­
rine is present. The present green appear­
ance is due to the layer oj vivianite on the
suiface oj the sample. Originally a blue col­
or, some oj the particles have altered to a
yellow color, and in the center oj some oj
the yellow particles, the original blue color
is just discernible. Photograph courtesy oj
the Conservation oj Wall Painting De­
partment, Courtauld Institute oj Art, Lon­

Plate 21. Photomicrograph oj sample from
central porch tympanum, Salisbury. Cross
section shows complex structure, represent­
ing several repaintings and including ver­
milion, red and white lead, iron-oxide red
and yellow, black, blue, and possibly gold.

Plate 22. Photomicrograph oj sample Jrom
Exeter west Jront. Cross section shows pink
primer, white lead, and verdigris top layer.
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