Access VBA Macro Programming

(Joao Candeias) #1
In Access, all objects are either singular objects referenced by name or objects in a
collection referenced by index or name. Collections also have their own properties and
methods apart from the objects that they hold. For example, collections always hold aCount
property that represents the number of objects within the collection, and they sometimes have
anAddmethod to add a new object into the collection.
These objects also have their own properties and methods and can also contain further
collections of objects. An example is theTableDefscollection, which contains a collection of
TableDefobjects (table definitions), representing all tables in Access. As you have already
learned, it has aCountproperty to index the number ofTableDefs, and it has anAppend
method to create a newTableDef. EachTableDefwithin the collection has properties such as
DateCreatedand methods such asCreateFieldorCreateIndex. However, there is also a
collection of Fields within eachTableDefthat then has its own properties, methods, and
In Access, you can have a collection of Fields inside aTableDefcalled theFields
collection, and each Field inside this collection will have an index number and a name to
identify it. The index number is a reference for an object within that collection, commencing
at 0.
The same thing is true of theTableDefscollection, which defines all the tables within the
Access database. There is a collection of table definitions called theTableDefscollection,
and eachTableDefobject inside will be enumerated with an index number and a name to
identify it. Other collection objects are available, such asQueryDefs,Forms, andReports,
but theTableDefandTableDefscollections make good examples on how to use collections.
Collections can be cycled or iterated through.Cyclingis the best term to describe what
happens in a For Each..Next loop. For Each..Next loops are covered in Chapter 4. You use the
following syntax: For Each Object within Collection, Next. This cycles through each object
within the collection, giving you the chance to examine or manipulate the properties of it or
to use a method by calling it, for example


Try putting the code shown in the following listing in a VBA module. If you do not
already have a module displayed, use Insert | Module from the VBE menu. Your screen
should look like Figure 14-1.
PressF5to run it and you will see each table’s name displayed, as shown in Figure 14-2.

Sub ShowName()
Dim w As TableDef
For Each w In CurrentDb.TableDefs
MsgBox w.Name
Next w
End Sub

182 Microsoft Access 2010 VBA Macro Programming

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