Prayers Meditations And Dynamic Decrees For Personal And World Transformation

(Grace) #1
our children and youth, including Incubus and Succubus and all
devils of child abuse, child molestation, child prostitution, mur-
der, rape, abortion, euthanasia, “accidental death,” Satanic rites,
witchcraft, black magic, societal fascinations with, phobias of,
and fixations on Death and Dying, all personal and planetary
momentums and demons of narcissism, and the anti-God cults
of atheism, nihilism, existentialism, self-annihilation, “self-
deliverance,” and their glorification in the media;
And all suicide-related psychosomatic disorders, insanity
due to biochemical imbalances, psychoses, neuroses, obsessions,
compulsions, manic-depressive reactions, nervous breakdowns,
manias and psychic vulnerabilities (such as “voices”; the “I-don’t-
care-anymore” syndrome; the “I-was-born-at-the wrong-time”
syndrome; deli cious death; and the ultimate suicidal Rebellion
or suicidal Revenge committed against Parents, Life and Society)
including terminal illnesses, records of karma and past lives
inherent in and affecting the potential suicide victim, conscious
or unconscious, known or unknown—
And Shatter! Shatter! Shatter! the entire planetary force of
suicide, all negative thoughtforms, interplanetary, astrological,
lunar, hypnotic and psychotronic influences and akashic records
of suicide, Nephilim programmed and computerized, adversely
affecting our children and youth, mankind, elemental life, the
souls and four lower bodies of earth and her evolutions.
Bolts of blue lightning penetrate through Annihla, Kevor kian
and all suicide entities now! (9x)
Replace them all by the immortal, victorious, cosmic
Three fold Flame of Love, Wisdom, and Power, the Great Cos-
mic Light, and the Light of Cosmic Victory. Transmute! Trans-
mute! Transmute! forever: all human rebellion, recalcitrance
and resistance to the Perfection of the Mighty I AM Presence
and the Light of God which never, never, never fails to give
earth Freedom now!

7.11S (cont.) The Suicide Entity Decree



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