Prayers Meditations And Dynamic Decrees For Personal And World Transformation

(Grace) #1
In the name of Jesus the Christ, we demand the exposure
of the lie of all Antichrist activities in our government and our
Expose the lie! (12x)
We call to the Fourteen Ascended Masters who direct
the destiny of America, beloved Saint Germain and El Morya,
Lanello and K-17, and to the entire Spirit of the Great White
Brotherhood and the World Mother to move into action across
the face of this nation to establish the divine plan of God-
government for the United States and the entire world. We call
for divine harmony, peace, and perfection in all our dealings
with all nations. We ask to be kept strong and courageous in the
vanguard of beloved Saint Germain’s service to life and the holy
cause of universal freedom now and forever!
Blaze, blaze, blaze, and blaze the full momentum of the
As cended Masters’ purity and God-control into all America’s
people and their representatives in government and transmute,
transmute, transmute forever all Luciferian opposition to our
Constitution as the divine document from the heart of Saint
Beloved Astrea, lock your cosmic circle and sword of
blue flame in, through, and around all Illuminati and Luciferian
management and control of the elections, the parties, and the
candidates; all ignorance and defiance of the Law, all political
fanaticism, emotionalism, lawlessness, Luciferian infiltration,
and internal weaknesses manifesting anywhere in these United
States. And let the will of God be done in these elections that
justice and freedom shall triumph in all that we do. We thank thee
and accept this done right now with full power. I AM this action
sustained in all elections to come and asserting forever the full
power of the words of Mighty Victory, “In God we trust!”
And in full Faith I consciously accept this manifest, mani-
fest, manifest! (3x) right here and now with full Power, eternally
sustained, all-powerfully active, ever expanding, and world enfold-
ing until all are wholly ascended in the Light and free!
Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM!

7.13 (cont.) Decree for Elections


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