Prayers Meditations And Dynamic Decrees For Personal And World Transformation

(Grace) #1

In the name of Saint Germain, I accept this blessing for the
earth! I AM Cosmic Freedom forever remaining, forever expand-
ing, and forever loving Life, animate and inanimate, illumined and
awaiting illumination, with all the love of the Lord of the World
and the blessed Ascended Master Consciousness expanded with-
out limit forever!
Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM!


Beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me,
O thou beloved immortal victorious threefold flame of eternal
Truth within my heart, Holy Christ Selves of all mankind, beloved
Great Divine Director, beloved Saint Germain, beloved El Morya,
beloved Jesus, beloved Mother Mary, beloved Goddess of Liberty,
beloved great God Obedience, beloved Archangel Michael, be -
loved Mighty Astrea, all ascended beings, powers, activities, and
legions of Light, angels and activities of the sacred fire: In the
name of the Presence of God which I AM and through the mag-
netic power of the sacred fire vested in me, I decree:

  1. O Masters of Love in Symbol Cave,
    Come now, make me true and brave
    By the royal flag of Light,
    Radiance of gold, blue, and white!

Refrain: Emblem of America, heart of Freedom dear,
Keep our land in integrity here,
Always aware that in God we trust,
Each child of the Light, now make just!

  1. Protect, direct, and arm us with Light;
    Goddess of Liberty, flood us with might.
    Cup of Freedom to the earth,
    O America, thy love is heaven’s worth!

And in full Faith...

7.23 For World and Individual Freedom (cont.), 7.24

Copyright © 1963 Summit Publications, Inc. 131

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