Prayers Meditations And Dynamic Decrees For Personal And World Transformation

(Grace) #1

Insert 4: Government Influence
All government involvement in the private sector of the
economy which is not in keeping with the plan of Saint Germain; all
unnecessary regulations and bureaucracy; all government ineffi-
ciency and the misuse of public funds; all improper or misdirected
national, state, and local priorities; all incorrect monetary and
fiscal policies, including the manipulation of the nation’s money
supply by the Federal Reserve; the growing national debt and
those responsible for it; bankruptcy and deficit budgets at all lev-
els of government; all fiscal ignorance and irresponsibility on the
part of politicians and other government officials; all abuse of the
public trust by those in authority, including the taking of bribes
from business interests and lobbyists; all abuse of power by the
IRS and other government agencies concerned with the economy;
all unnecessary federal, state, and local taxes and all opposition
to those which are required; and all foreign trade policies harmful
to the United States, especially those involving the sale of ad-
vanced technology, grain, and other commodities to Communist
countries —with their causes and cores. And bind! the forces and
force fields, the individuals and the consciousness behind it.

Insert 5: Labor-Management Problems
All labor-management problems which are contrived by the
fallen ones through selfish interest groups and which do not have
as their basis the flame of God Justice; all strikes, contracts, benefits,
bargaining talks, layoffs, wage and price scales which contribute
to inflation and other economic problems faced by the United
States; all false hierarchy opposition to the manifestation of God
Justice, God Harmony, cooperation and un der standing in the
minds of all those who compose the laborers, management, and
owners of America’s business, com merce, trade, and industry; all
attempts to use labor-management disputes to subvert the free enter-
prise system as practiced in America and throughout the world, all
infiltration by the Mafia and other forms of organized crime, the
Communist and Socialist parties, and other groups into labor unions
for the purpose of exploiting the American worker; and all attempts
by big business to prevent labor from receiving just rewards for their
service rendered—with their causes and cores. And bind! the forces
and forcefields, the individuals and the consciousness behind it.

Omni Decree on the Economy 7.31C (cont.)

Copyright © 1976 Summit Publications, Inc. 147

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