Direct and inspire the heads of all courts and motor vehicle
departments of every state and throughout the world to check
carefully the driving record and licensing of all people. See to
it that public safety is uppermost in the minds of all employees
of these bureaus and of the courts. Direct justice and inspire it.
Direct compliance with all safety laws and produce perfection
in the use of these instruments of transportation.
Stop, stop, stop destructive driving habits now today!
Replace them by divine guidance here to stay!
Stop, stop, stop the action right now today of all liquor,
dope, sex, and suicide entities influencing and affecting the
drivers of the world!
Stop, stop, stop carelessness and inattention to the wheel
and surround every driver right now today and forever to stay
with beloved Mighty Astrea’s circle and sword of blue flame
directed God’s way!
Produce perfection on our roads,
Let mortal records now be goads
To make man drive in safety’s way.
Protect our children now we pray;
By God’s own love and Victory’s power,
Roll back highway destruction each hour;
Replace it by Divine Love’s hand,
Let safety reign throughout all lands!
Beloved I AM by Christ-command, beloved I AM by
Christ-command, beloved I AM by Christ-command!
And in full Faith I consciously accept this manifest, mani-
fest, manifest! (3x) right here and now with full Power, eternally
sustained, all-powerfully active, ever expanding, and world
enfolding until all are wholly ascended in the Light and free!
Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM!
8.02 (cont.) Highway Safety