I AM Presence, Thou art Master,
I AM Presence, clear the way!
Let thy Light and all thy Power
Take possession here this hour!
Charge with Victory’s mastery,
Blaze blue lightning, blaze thy substance!
Into this thy form descend,
That Perfection and its Glory
Shall blaze forth and earth transcend! (3x or 33x)
In the name of the Christ, in the name of the Mighty I AM
Presence, I call to the entire Spirit of the Great White Brother-
hood and the World Mother to lock your cosmic circles and
swords of blue flame of thousands of suns from the Great
Central Sun and blaze megatons of cosmic Light, blue light-
ning rays, and violet fire in, through, and around all that is not
of the Light in my four lower bodies, my electronic belt, my
heart chakra and all of my chakras, my entire consciousness,
being, and world! (3x or 9x)
Copyright © 1965, 1974, 1975 Summit Publications, Inc. 197