Prayers Meditations And Dynamic Decrees For Personal And World Transformation

(Grace) #1


Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for Personal and World Transforma-
tion presents decrees, mantras and prayers from the Teachings of the Ascended
These devotions are part of a system of devotion known as the Science of the
Spoken Word, which also includes visualization, songs and even breathing tech-
niques. It is a great resource to help you connect with your real self, your Higher
Self, and bring positive change to your world.

A main purpose of the Science of the Spoken Word is to put you in contact
with your Higher Self.* Once you have made that contact, you can draw on the
innate power of the God within to bring you the things you need in life.
You can use that power along with the spiritual energy and light invoked by
decrees, mantras and songs to create positive change for yourself and the world
around you.
The principles involved are ancient. In fact, many of the world’s religions relate
the story of creation as containing the power of the Spoken Word. As the Bible tells
us: “And God said, ‘Let there be light.’ And there was light.”
In the world around us, we know that sound can make dramatic changes—
both positive and negative. A high-pitched note can shatter a glass, and a gunshot
can set off an avalanche. We also know that sound in the form of certain kinds of
music can temporarily raise one’s IQ, expand memory and assist learning.†
The power of your word is also the power to create. When you use the Science
of the Spoken Word, you are harnessing God’s energy for positive change. Many
young people and seekers of all ages have had incredible results by doing this—
resolving problems, meeting challenges, feeling lighter and happier, and gaining
greater peace and centeredness in their daily lives.
People from all around the world have discovered the power of the Spoken
Word and the joy that comes with giving decrees and feeling the presence of the
angels, the ascended masters and the heavenly hosts in their lives.
If you are new to this form of prayer, we invite you to join them and see for
yourself. After all, you’ll never know until you try.
Many people sing songs and recite prayers, but fewer people are acquainted
with mantras and decrees, so here is a brief explanation.

A mantra is a short spoken prayer consisting of a repeated word or group of
words. It invokes a particular aspect or quality of the Divinity, intensifying the
action of God’s Spirit in man.
Because mantras are short and easily memorized, they are very powerful calls
for action. You can quickly give them in all types of circumstances. Many people
call for heavenly assistance with “Archangel Michael, Help Me! Help Me! Help me!”

Decrees are prayers that are spoken aloud in a dynamic, rhythmic manner.
They are carefully worded formulas, positive statements, that use the name of God,


*For a portrait of you and your Higher Self, see the Chart of Your Divine Self, page 4.†
Copyright © 2010 Summit Publications, Inc.See Elizabeth Clare Prophet’s Creative Power of Sound, p. 22.

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