Mastering Nginx

(Ron) #1

Troubleshooting Techniques

[ 202 ]

log_format imagelog '[$time_local] $image_file $image_type '
'$body_bytes_sent $status';

log_format authlog '[$time_local] $remote_addr $remote_user '
'"$request" $status';


Use multiple access_logs to see which locations are getting called at what times. By

configuring a different access_log for each location, we can easily see which ones are

not being used. Any change to such a location will have no effect on request processing;
the locations higher-up in the processing hierarchy need to be examined first.

http {

log_format sentlog '[$time_local] "$request" $status $body_bytes_
sent ';

log_format imagelog '[$time_local] $image_file $image_type '
'$body_bytes_sent $status';

log_format authlog '[$time_local] $remote_addr $remote_user '
'"$request" $status';

server {


root /home/www;

location / {

access_log logs/ combined;

access_log logs/ sentlog;

rewrite ^/(.*)\.(png|jpg|gif)$ /images/$1.$2;

set $image_file $1;

set $image_type $2;
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