Mastering Nginx

(Ron) #1
Appendix A

[ 229 ]

Directive Explanation Context/Default

geoip_city The path to a GeoIP database

file containing IP address-to-city
mappings. The following variables
then become available:

  • $geoip_citycountry
    code: Two-letter country

  • $geoip_citycountry
    code3: Three-letter country

  • $geoip_citycountry
    name: Country name

  • $geoip_region: Country
    region name

  • $geoip_city: City name

  • $geoip_postal_code:
    Postal code

valid context: http
Default value: -

geoip_country The path to a GeoIP database
file containing the IP address-to-
country mappings. The following
variables then become available:

  • $geoip_country_code:
    Two-letter country code

  • $geoip_country_code3:
    Three-letter country code

  • $geoip_country_name:
    Country name

Valid context: http
Default value: -

geoip_org The path to a GeoIP database

file containing the IP address-
to-organization mappings. The
following variable then becomes

  • $geoip_org: Organization

Valid context: http.
Default value: -

geoip_proxy Defines an address or network of
a direct connection from which the
IP address will be taken from the
X-Forwarded-For header.

Valid context: http
Default value: -
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