Mastering Nginx

(Ron) #1
Appendix A

[ 253 ]

Directive Explanation Context/Default

smtp_capabilities Indicates which SMTP capabilities

are supported by the backend

Valid contexts: mail,
Default value: -

so_keepalive Sets the TCP keepalive
parameter on the socket
connection to the proxied server.

Valid contexts: mail,
Default value: off

source_charset Defines the charset of a response.
If it is different from the defined
charset, a conversion is performed.

Valid contexts: http,
server, location,
if in location
Default value: -

split_clients Creates a context in which
variables appropriate to A/B (or
split) testing are set. The string
specified in the first parameter is
hashed using MurmurHash2. The
variable specified in the second
parameter is then set to a value
based on how the string falls
within the range of hash values.
The match is specified as either a
percentage or * to place weights
on the values.

valid context(s): http
default value: -

ssi Enables the processing of SSI files. Valid contexts: http,

server, location,
if in location
Default value: off

ssi_min_file_chunk Sets the minimum size of a file
above which it should be sent
using sendfile(2).

Valid contexts: http,
server, location
Default value: 1k

ssi_silent_errors Suppresses the error message
normally output when an error
occurs during SSI processing.

Valid contexts: http,
server, location
Default value: off

ssi_types Lists the MIME types of a response
in addition to text/html in which
SSI commands are processed. It
may be * to enable all MIME types.

Valid contexts: http,
server, location
Default value: text/

ssi_value_length Sets the maximum length of values

for parameters used in Server Side

Valid contexts: http,
server, location
Default value: 256
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