Mastering Nginx

(Ron) #1
[ 294 ]


if block 266
if command 173
if directive
about 81 , 231 , 269
using, as hostname switch 205
using, instead of try_files directive 204
if_modified_since directive 126 , 231
if statement 138
ignore_invalid_headers directive 127 , 232
image_filter_buffer directive 182 , 232
image_filter directive 181 , 232
image_filter_jpeg_quality directive 182 , 232
image_filter module
about 181
directives 181 - 183
image_filter_sharpen directive 182 , 232
image_filter_transparency directive 182 , 232
generating 181 - 185
IMAP 41 , 42
imap_auth directive 44 , 232
imap_capabilities directive 37 , 44 , 232
imap_client_buffer directive 232
inadvertent code execution
preventing 187
include command 174
include directive 233
include files
about 24
using 24
index directive 233
internal directive 35 , 233
Internet Message Access Protocol. See IMAP
IP hash algorithm 75
ip_hash directive 73 , 75 , 233
ipv6only parameter 31
IRC channel
about 280
URL, for info 280


keepalive connections 74 , 214
keepalive directive 73 , 74 , 233
keepalive disable directive 233

keepalive_disable directive 25
keepalive_requests directive 25 , 233
keepalive_timeout directive 26 , 233
KILL signal 196


directive 26 , 233
last 270
last flag 266
least_conn directive 73 , 76 , 234
least connections 76
legacy servers, with cookies 72
libatomic library support 10
limit_conn directive 129 , 234
limit_conn_log_level directive 129 , 234
limit_conn_zone directive 129 , 234
limit_except directive 35 , 234
limit_rate_after directive 129 , 234
limit_rate directive 129 , 131 , 234 , 266
limit_req directive 129 , 235
limit_req_log_level directive 129 , 235
limit_req_zone directive 130 , 235
used, for avoiding abusive users 128 - 131
limit_zone directive 235
lingering_close directive 28 , 235
lingering_time directive 28 , 235
lingering_timeout directive 28 , 236
Linux 213
Linux (deb-based), package manager
command 8
Linux (rpm-based), package manager
command 8
listen directive 30 , 91 , 117 , 117
listen directive, parameters
accept_filter 30
backlog 30
bind 31
default_server 30
deferred 31
ipv6only 31
rcvbuf 30
setfib 30
sndbuf 30
so_keepalive 31
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