Tropical Forest Community Ecology

(Grace) #1
Spatial Variation in Tree Species Composition 15

populations, excludin gintra-population diversity,
would be (see also Lande 1996):

βNeik,l =Dkl−






i= 1



) 2


This measure of strict beta-diversity is propor-
tional to the squared Euclidean distance between
siteiand sitek, a quantity already used in the
ecological literature (Ricklefs and Lau 1980). The
total diversity across a total ofKpopulations can
then be defined as





k= 1





k= 1


l= 1


The first term is the contribution of local diversity,
while the second term is the contribution of strict
beta-diversity (Nei 1987, Lande 1996, Chaveet al.
The Steinhaus index provides an index of beta-
diversity that is based on species abundance. This
index was also called the Renkonen index or the
complement of the Bray–Curtis index (i.e., Stein-
haus index equals one minus the Bray–Curtis
index). Note that historically, the first reference
to this index was due to O. Renkonen and it
would be more appropriately named after this
author (Renkonen 1938, Plotkin and Muller-
Landau 2002). This index of similarity between

βSteinhausk,l =


i= 1 min







/ 2

whereNk =


i= 1 Nkiis the total number of
individuals in samplek. The correspondin gindex
of diversity would then be 1−βSteinhausk,l. The
Steinhaus index of similarity can be rewritten
approximately in terms of relative abundances
where the sample sizes are not too dissimilar:
βSteinhausk,l ≈

imin(xki,xli). The Nei index is
more intuitive than the Steinhaus index, because
a probabilistic interpretation of the latter is less
obvious. Recently, Green and Plotkin (2007)
have offered a samplin gtheory for betadiversity

results of Plotkin and Muller-Landau (2002).
Species are but one way of measurin gbiodi-
versity. This implicitly assumes that all species
are independent units. Any evolutionary biologist
knows that this is far from true: species are orga-
nized accordin gto a definite structure, and this
structure is defined by their evolutionary history.
a larger amount of evolutionary history than two
species in different genera.Pavoineet al. (2005)
called the amount of unshared evolutionary his-
tory of a species, its ‘originality’, and Nee and
May (1997) and Purviset al. (2000) discussed
this effect in light on conservation biology, as a
means for evaluatin gthe potential loss of evolu-
tionary history link to species extinction. Based on
this reasoning, Faith (1992) proposed to measure
the biological diversity of a species assemblage
by the amount of evolutionary history in this
assemblage. If a dated phylogenetic hypothesis is
available for a given species assemblage, then one
may implement Faith’s biodiversity index by mea-
surin gthe total branch len gth in the phylo genetic
tree, measured in millions of years. One recent
example of measurin gthe ‘phylo genetic’ diversity
of plant species assemblage is due to Forestet al.
(2007). Nei’s (1973) measure of local diversity
based on a probabilistic interpretation can also be
generalized to account for the amount of shared
evolutionary history amon gspecies. This fact has
been formalized mathematically by Rao (1982),
but it is only recently that it has received some
further scrutiny (Pavoineet al. 2005, Chaveet al.




Plant ecologists have long sought to predict
species occurrence from environmental charac-
teristics, both soil and climate (Warmin g1909,
Braun-Blanquet 1932, Whittaker 1956). There
is a vast literature reportin gcorrelations between
floristic variables and environmental or geograph-
ical variables usin ga lar ge number of different
statistical methods. Unfortunately, these methods
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