338 Diane W. Davidson and Steven C. Cook
for total sugars (a) and amino acids (b). Reflect-
ing mainly sucrose, glucose, and fructose content
(Engelet al.2001, Blüthgenet al.2003), the
median value for total sugars in EFNs exceeds that
of SUCmin across Amazonian and Bornean ants
of about five (19.85% versus 4.00%). In contrast,
the median amino acid concentration in EFN is
just a tenth that of AAmin (0.1% versus 1.0%).
Opposing patterns for sugars and amino acids
suggest that sugar concentrations in EFN were
not simply biased to high values by evaporation
during nectar accumulation after ant exclusion.
Overall, it appears that both EFN plants and
trophobionts offer ants sugars at concentrations
much greater than the minimum requirements
of many arboreal ant taxa, but amino acids at
much lower concentrations. Predictably, the ratio
of % total sugars to % total amino acids in EFN far
exceeds that of SUCmin to AAmin (Figure 20.2).
The few available values for sugar and amino
acid concentrations in honeydews (arrows in
figures) hint at a similar conclusion for those
“Oversupply” of sugars relative to amino acids
in EFN may have both multiple causes and
important consequences. It could be favored, in
part, because myrmecophilous plants themselves
are more N-limited than C-limited (Schupp and
Feener 1991). Additionally, it may alter the out-
come of ant–ant competition in ways favorable
to deterrence of the plant’s natural enemies.
The most N-starved, behaviorally dominant, ter-
ritorial, widely foraging, and populous ant taxa
(e.g., Rocha and Bergallo 1992, see also below)
should provide better anti-herbivore protection,
and these same taxa should accept sugars only
at high concentration. Recent work by Blüthgen
and Fiedler (2004a,b and online material) in the
Australian tropics has established that the aggres-
sive, ecologically dominantOecophylla smaragdina
(authors’ unpublished ER=8) regularly monop-
olizes the highest quality exudates: EFN and
hemipteran honeydews with high concentrations
of both total sugars and total amino acids, and/or
highaminoaciddiversity.Distributionsof justfour
other ant species were correlated or marginally
correlated with solute concentrations in exudates;
these taxa most often used nectars of low or
8 2M
No. of plant taxa
No. of plant taxa
0 200 400 600 800
% Sugar / % AA
0 1020406080
SUCmin / AAmin
Figure 20.2 Distributions of SUCmin/AAmin ratios
for Amazonian and Bornean ants (bottom panel; this
study), and ratios of % total sugars/% total amino acids
for 16 Australian EFN plants (top panel; Blüthgen and
Fiedler 2004; lettered arrows as in Figure 20.1). Note
the different scales of the abscissas in the two panels.
Unequal variances again required non-parametric
comparison: median SUCmin/AAmin ratios were
identical (4.00) for Amazonia and Borneo, but
combined ratios were significantly lower than the
sugar/amino acid ratio in EFNs of Australian rainforest
plants (median=110,X 12 =34.92,P<0.0001 in a
Wilcoxon test; additional details in Figure 20.1 legend).
low relative total sugar concentration and were
unaffected by amino acid concentrations. Eleven
quality resources may have been included in the
fundamental niches of the latter 15 taxa, they
were under-represented in their realized niches.
Because plants have limited control over the
recipients of ant rewards, all optimality models of
EFN composition must take into account multiple
and potentially competing ant species. Neverthe-
less, rather than focusing on all potential attend-
ing ant species individually, future studies might
profitably address reward composition in rela-
tion to ant functional groups, as determined from
feeding ecology (see below) and/or N-deprivation
(Blüthgen and Fiedler 2004a,b, Blüthgenet al.