Tropical Forest Community Ecology

(Grace) #1
Constraints on Succession 371

with one suite of life-history traits early in suc-
cession versus different life-history traits later on.
For both of these conceptual models of succession,
species turnover occurred due to known correla-
tions amon gplant size, lon gevity, and slow growth
(Table 22.1). Thus, succession was a population
process that could be understood only by knowing
the interspecific differences in species life-history
occupants would inhibit the establishment and
growth of later occupants. These two gradient-in-
time models explicitly identified dispersal ability
as a critical life-history attribute of pioneers. For
example, Pickett (1976) noted that long-range
dispersal would be required to reach the interior
of large disturbed patches. Unfortunately these
approaches failed to incorporate specific mech-
anisms of resource competition that permitted
residents to resist displacement or what factors
caused residents to decline in abundance other
than shorter lifespans.

Interaction categories

In a compellin greview of previous work and
theory, Connell and Slatyer (1977) described how
succession might occur via three categories of
interaction: facilitation, tolerance, and inhibition
(Table 22.1). They pointed out that the inter-
action amon gearlier and later species could be
positive (facilitation), neutral (tolerance), or neg-
ative (inhibition). They highlighted how some
existin gmodels focused on resident speciesinhibit-
inglater successional species (e.g., pre-emptive
initial floristics) while some focused on resi-
dent speciesfacilitatinglater successional species
(e.g., the nucleation model). Pickettet al. (1987)
pointed out several problems with these models,
notin gthat they were actually broad cate gories
of mechanisms (e.g., inhibition could occur via
resource competition or allelopathy) that underlie
species change and that each model could oper-
ate simultaneously durin gany succession even
at the same site. Also, the interaction between
any given pair of species could be both facilita-
tive and inhibitory. Nonetheless, if interactions
could be summed amon gnumerous pairs of
species, these three categories would allow succes-
sional interactions to be classified jointly as either

positive via facilitation or negative via inhibition
or neutral. The interaction categories of Connell
and Slatyer (1977) did not explicitly consider
space or impacts of herbivores, although herbi-
vores were briefly considered. Connell and Slatyer
did point out that wide dispersal and numerous
propagules would cause pioneer species to be the
earliest dominants but subsequently focused on
successional dynamics thereafter. They concluded
that inhibition by earlier dominants predomi-
nated durin gsecondary succession. Thus they
suggested that longevity, stress tolerance, and low
resource tolerance should be crucial life-history
traits amon glater successional species.

Vital attributes

Noble and Slatyer (1980) developed the vital
attributes model whereby particular disturbances
produce conditions that can be best exploited by
species with appropriate life-history traits. Species
were classified accordin gto three key traits: mode
of dispersal, ability to regenerate after distur-
bance, and timin gof reproduction and senes-
cence. Like the work of Pickett (1976) and Drury
and Nisbet (1973) this model took a population-
based approach focusin gon the life-history traits
that led to early arrival at a site and those that
led to later arrival and allowed for long-term per-
sistence. Dispersal ability was granted a more
prominent role in influencin gspecies availabil-
ity than in the gradient-in-time models. Once
again, however, the model was not explicitly spa-
tial and the actual underlyin gmechanisms that
caused species displacement and turnover were
not explicitly considered (Table 22.1). This model
did not consider enemies, and competitive inter-
action amon gplant species was de-emphasized
relative to the other models.

Resource ratios

Tilman (1985, 1988) developed the resource ratio
model of succession whereby species turnover
durin gsuccession is driven by interspecific com-
petition that depends upon the shift from high
light/low nutrient conditions early in succes-
sion to low light/high nutrient conditions later
in succession. Tilman (1985) concluded that
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