470 William F. Laurance
of the current system of protected and semi-
protected areas. Although many of these new
conservation units will be under multiple-use
management and thus can be subjected to inten-
sive uses such as industrial logging, they clearly
afford some degree of protection to forests. The
growing network of indigenous lands will also
help to limit the extent of forest exploitation. The
great challenges for the near future are to rapidly
expand the existin gprotected-area network, and
to establish direly needed staffin gand infrastruc-
ture for park management. Such initiatives will
be crucial, because pressures on protected areas
will increase rapidly in the future as highways
and other transportation infrastructure ramify
and the expandin gAmazonian population into
ever-closer contact.
I thank Walter Carson, Stefan Schnitzer, and
two anonymous reviewers for commentin gon
the manuscript. Support was provided by the
NASA-LBA program, Andrew W. Mellon Founda-
tion, and Conservation, Food and Health Founda-
tion.This is publication number 505 in the BDFFP
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