Erica Schwarz CARSON: “carson_index” — 2008/5/27 — 14:41 — page 517 — #27
response of seedlings and AMF spores to
comparative attributes of Australian rainforests
effects of short term vertebrate exclusion 295,
potential reasons for different response
suggestions for future research 304–5
as seed/seedling predators or seed dispersers 295
impacts on plants and mycorrhizal fungi 295
results of exclusion from Australian rainforest
role in tropical systems 301–4
vertical light niche partitioning, by adult trees
crown optimists and understory pessimists 172
small species, ability to coexist with tall species
vicariance, and area-cladogram congruence 89
vital attributes model 369 , 371
important life-history traits 369 , 371
water availability–phenology hypothesis 4,
68–70, 69
foliage availability and rainfall seasonality 68
herbivory 68
investment in defense 68
potential impact of herbivores 68
precipitation, as driver of contrasting phenological
responses 68
risk of attack 68
selective pressure for defense 68
wildfires, direct threat in the Amazon 463–6
fragmented forests exceptionally vulnerable
465–6, 465
penetration of ground-fires 466, 466
increase in incidence of 463, 465
increase in ignition sources 463, 465
vulnerability increased by human use 465
rare under natural conditions 463
Yasuni FDP 100
high demographic variability 111
most diverse plot in CTFS network 103
topographic habitat specialization 112