
(C. Jardin) #1


Vata tea

½ tsp whole cumin seeds
½ tsp whole coriander seeds
½ tsp fennel seeds
3 pinches of ashwagandha root powder
1 pinch whole-root licorice powder

Boil 1 litr e of water. Add spices and cover to steep. Pour it into your thermos and drink throughout the day.
Drinking beverages at a warm temperature is best for Vata types.

Pitta tea

2 pinches of Indian Sarsaparilla powder
¼ tsp cumin seeds
2 pinches of licorice powder
½ tsp. fennel seeds
½ tsp coriander seeds

Boil 1 litr e of water. Add spices and cover to steep. Pour it into your thermos and drink throughout the day.
Let the water cool to room temperature before drinking as this is best for Pitta types.

Kapha tea

2 thin slices of fresh ginger root
2 basil leaves
2 whole cloves
½ tsp whole cumin seeds
2 pinches licorice powder

Boil 1 litr e of water. Add spices and cover to steep. Pour it into your thermos and drink throughout the day.
Drinking beverages at a warm to hot temperature is best for Kapha types. Sip during and after meals.

Detoxifying tea

¼ tsp. whole cumin
½ tsp whole coriander,
½ tsp whole fennel
Boil 1 litr e of water. Add to the spices and let steep for ten minutes with the lid on. Strain out the spices and
pour water into a thermos and sip throughout the day.
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