
(C. Jardin) #1



  1. Stand with the palms together in front of the c h e s t

  2. Breathe in while stretching the arms over the head (arch the back slightly)

  3. Breathe out while bending forward from the hips

  4. Breathe in while taking the right foot backwards and dropping t h e k n e e t o t h e f l o o r

  5. Breathe out while taking the left foot backwards and liftin g the hips towards the ceiling

  6. Start breathing in whilst dropping the knees and chest to the floor

  7. C o n tinue breathing in as you drop the hips and straighten the arms to ar ch th e lower back

  8. Breathe out and take the hips back up towards the ceiling

  9. Breathe in a n d bring th e right foot forward (place between hands) and drop the hips

  10. Breathe out and bring the left foot forward to join the right foot (forward bend)

  11. Breathe in and come up into a slight back bend

  12. Breathe out as you come into an upright position with the palms together in front of the chest.

You have now completed half a round – to complete the sun salute repeat the same sequence but this time take the left foot
back in position 4 and bring forward in position 9. You can do up to six rounds. Practice slowly if you are a Vata type,
moderately slowly if you are a pitta type and relatively fast if you are a kapha body-type.












The Sun


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k ee p br eat hin g in

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br ea t h e ou t
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