Autodesk Revit Architecture 2014 Fundamentals - SDC Publications

(Jeff_L) #1
Basic Drawing and Editing Tools

© 2013, ASCENT - Center for Technical Knowledge® 2–

2.2 Editing Elements

Building design projects typically involve extensive changes to
the positions of walls, doors, and other elements. The Autodesk®
Revit® software was designed to make such changes easy.

(Modify) works with all of the different element types.

 When you select an element during an active command,
there are a number of ways to change it, as shown in
Figure 2–12:

 Modify commands and element-specific tools display in
the contextual tab in the Ribbon.

The Type Selector can
also be found in the
Modify tab of the Ribbon
or on the Quick Access

 The Properties palette displays the Type Selector and
associated parameters.
 Temporary dimensions enable you to change the
element’s dimensions.
 Controls enable you to drag, flip, lock, and rotate the

 When you hover your cursor over an element, a tooltip
displays information about it.

Figure 2–
 To delete an element, select it and press <Delete>, right-click

and select Delete, or click (Delete) in the Modify panel.

Learning Objectives
Select elements to modify.

Modify elements using the Ribbon, Properties, temporary
dimensions, and controls.

Filter selection sets.

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