Basics Design: Design Thinking

(Ben Green) #1



The second decision in implementation

thinking is to consider the materials

that will be used for the production.

A wide range of materials and substrates

are available that will hold a printed,

stamped, engraved, carved, etched,

cut or painted image.

With a range of substrates available, there is no reason for a designer to be
restricted to using paper stocks. Designs do not have to be produced on
paper and extra meaning can be added to a design or message by using
something different.

Different materials have different tactile qualities and these can be harnessed
by a design and felt by the recipient. Use of alternative materials can add
different qualities to a design, perhaps making it more memorable or more of
a luxury item. For example, a textile manufacturer could use cloth as a substrate
rather than paper. This cloth could then be printed or embroidered. Likewise,
a metal producer could use metal that is die cut, laser cut, burnished, printed
or stamped.

The use of different materials may also increase the longevity of the design
product. It is all too easy to throw away a paper communication, but something
produced in acetate, metal or wood may be kept and even displayed.

The design thinking to employ materials at a higher level as part of a design
concept typically occurs as part of the ideate stage given that in this instance
the material is a fundamental design element. Use of novel materials can,
however, also present additional challenges at the implementation stage: higher
production costs and different timescales, for example.

Design Thinking


The material or surface to be printed upon. Substrates include paper, board, ceramic, cloth and metal.


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