Design Thinking
Print finishing techniques
Binding A process to gather and securely hold the pages of a
printed work to form a publication.
Debossing Stamping a design into a substrate to produce an
indented surface.
Deckle edge The ragged edge of the paper as it comes from the
papermaking machine.
Die cutting Use of a steel die to decoratively cut away stock.
Endpapers Pages that secure a text block to the cover boards of
a case binding.
Foil blocking Applying a coloured foil to a substrate via a heated die.
Folding Turning a printed sheet into a more compact form or
signature by parallel and vertical folds.
Fore-edge printing Printing on the fore edge of a publication.
Embossing Stamping a design into a substrate to produce a raised
Perforation An area of a substrate weakened with a die cut so it
can be detached, or for decorative effect.
Screen printing A printing method where ink is passed through a
screen carrying a design on to a substrate.
Thermography Raised lettering produced by fusing thermographic
powder to a substrate in an oven.
Throw outs A sheet of paper folded and bound into a publication
that opens out to a much larger dimension.
Tipping-in An insert in a book or magazine that is glued along the
binding edge.
Varnishing A colourless substrate coating to protect and enhance
visual appearance.
Corn Exchange Gallery (facing page)
This series of posters was created by Navyblue to promote shows at the Corn
Exchange Gallery in London. Note the embossing used on the example bottom right.
Also note that they feature a standard layout and typographic house style, which
establishes continuity while promoting the diverse subject matter of the exhibitions.
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Title: Basic Design-Thinking
Client: QPL Size: 160mmx230mm
black text