Basics Design: Design Thinking

(Ben Green) #1
Design Thinking



Target group
A population that shares similar
attributes and characteristics.
A client will require the design
to communicate to a specific
target group.
Thinking space
A comfortable and mentally
stimulating environment
conducive to creative thought with
visual, tactile and aural materials
that inspire and provide reference.

An image or page of reduced size
that gives a visual reference and
allows several pages of images to
be viewed at once.
Graphic devices that provide two
messages at the same time.
Type personality
The character of a typeface,
derived from the visual
appearance of its letterforms.

The deliberate use of typography
to visually express an idea
through more than just the letters
that constitute the word.
Viral marketing
The use of pre-existing social
networks to self-propagate a
marketing message.
Visual metaphor
A visual device that refers to
something it typically does
not denote.

11 / Improve your skills

Learn, practise and improve new

techniques that will broaden the range

of possibilities that you draw your ideas

from. Learn to paint watercolours,

animate with Flash, bookbind or

practise origami. The greater the range

of skills you have the wider the range of

solutions you will generate.


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Title: Basic Design-Thinking
Client: QPL Size: 160mmx230mm

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