Basics Design: Design Thinking

(Ben Green) #1


Once a brief has been defined and agreed the research stage can
begin. The research stage is when the design team investigates
the subject matter of the brief in order to accumulate relevant
information that will be used to inform design decisions.

Various data gathering methods exist to generate quantitative and
qualitative information. This information will, in turn, provide different
ways of identifying, determining and dissecting the attitudes and
behaviours of the target audience. It will also help to provide an
understanding of the design approach taken by competing products,
brands and organisations.

Research into the target group is necessary in order for the design
to contain the information hooks or drivers required for effective
communication with that group. It also enables the design to avoid
containing information hooks or drivers that might alienate or
disenfranchise the target group.

Obtaining a clear understanding of the target audience feeds
information into the ideate stage. This is then used to generate
ideas for a design solution.

This section outlines some of the research techniques that design
teams use to obtain a better understanding of the business of the
client and the composition of the target group.


BOAI (facing page)
This DVD features a double-take image of someone holding a DVD. A DVD is a finite
shape and a relatively small ‘canvas’ on which to place a design, but use of applied
design thinking means that it is always possible to generate a creative solution. At a
basic level this design shows the product being used, an aspect that the design team
often seeks to identify during the research process. The target audience appreciated
the irony and sense of humour of this design.


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