skills gradually develop, children begin to learn that they
are being called boys or girls, accept what others label,
learn by observation, and report what boys and girls do
and behave accordingly.
Modeling After: Children learn to model their behavior
after someone who is an admired, loved or feared
figure. This is considered as a typical stage in
personality formation and in the development of
personal autonomy and social involvement. Through
modeling after someone, our behavior acquires meaning
and coherence.
Problem Solving: The above three mechanisms of
social learning are ways in which individuals internalize
the values and norms of society. They may be termed
as modes of internalization. However, social learning
transcends beyond simply internalizing values and
norms. It also includes learning to involve in cooperative
and conflict-ridden activities, to cope with new situations
and to achieve one's goals. Problem solving mode of
social learning is essential particularly in societies where
complexity and fluidity dominate the social world.
Problem solving is not to be understood as a kind of