Fig. 3.16(a–d) Dye labeling (FM4-64)
of the cytoplasmic membrane and
Spitzenkörper of different fungi,
including Ascomycota (Neurospora
crassa), Basidiomycota (Sclerotiniaand
Rhizoctonia), and mitosporic fungi
(Trichoderma viride). Phycomyces
(Zygomycota) also showed similar
labeling (not shown in this image).
(f )
Fig. 3.17(a– f) Confocal images of an
FM4-64-stained satellite Spitzenkörper
(arrowhead) of Botrytis cinereashowing
a time course (seconds) of different
stages in its formation, migration, and
fusion with the main Spitzenkörper.
(Courtesy of N.D. Read; from Fisher-
Parton et al. 2000.)