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The most common cause of lethargy is depression. Apart from depression some
of the causes of lethargy are head injury, high blood pressure, low blood
pressure, taking overdose of alcohol or drugs, poor nutrition, diabetes,
constipation, mononucleosis, measles, thyroid gland disorders, adrenal gland
disorders and so on.

Lethargy Remedies

Drink tea made out of basil leaves regularly. Drink a glass of grapefruit and
lemon juice, both mixed in equal quantities. Fast on fresh sprouts once in two

Lethargy Diet

Eat a healthy and balanced diet. Fruits, vegetables and grains should be a major
part of your diet. Drink lots of water. Avoid white sugar and processed foods.
Avoid a diet with high fat content and less carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

Home Remedies for Leucoderma

Leucoderma treatment using Psoralea

The best-know home remedy for leucoderma is the use of seeds of psoralea
(babchi). These seeds should be steeped in the juice of ginger for three days.
The fluid should be renewed every day. The seeds should then be rubbed with
the hands to remove the husks, dried in the shade and powdered. One gram of
this powder should be taken every day with one cup of fresh milk for forty days
continuously. The ground seeds should also be applied to the white spots.
Babchi seeds, combined with tamarind (imli) seeds. are also useful. An equal
quantity of both the seeds should be steeped in water for three to four days. They
should then be shelled and dried in the shade. They should be ground into paste
and applied to the white patches for a week. If the application of this paste
causes itching, or the white spots become red and a fluid begins to ooze out, this
treatment should be discontinued.

Leucoderma treatment using Red Clay

Another useful remedy for leucoderma is red clay found by the river side or on hill
slopes. The clay should be mixed in ginger juice in a ratio of 1:1, and applied
over the white spots once a day. The copper contained in the clay seems to bring
back skin pigmentation. Ginger juice also serves as a mild stimulant, facilitating
increased blood flow to the spots. Drinking water kept overnight in a copper
vessel will also help.

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