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A hot fool bath, fomentation over the stomach and spine, cold compress (4.5\JC
to 15.6\JC) applied to the head, and towels wrung out of very hot water and
frequently applied to the neck will go a long way in relieving migraine headaches.

Plenty of exercise and walk in fresh air is essential

The patient should also take plenty of exercise and walk in the fresh air.

Home Remedies for Mumps

Mumps treatment using Chebulic Myroblan

Chebulic myroblan is one of the most effective remedies for mumps. A thick
paste should be made from this herb by rubbing it in water. If applied over the
swelling, it will provide relief.

Mumps treatment using Peepal Leaves

The leaves of the peepal tree are another effective home remedy for this
disease. These leaves should be smeared with ghee and warmed over a fire.
They should then be bandaged over the inflamed part for beneficial results.

Mumps treatment using Indian Aloe

The use of the herb Indian aloe is a wellknown remedy in the indigenous system
of medicine for any inflamed and painful part of the body. A piece of a leaf of this
herb should be peeled on one side, warmed and then sprinkled with a little
turmeric (haldi) and the extract of Indian barbery (rasaut), and then bandaged
over the swelling.

Mumps treatment using Asparagus

The seeds of asparagus are valuable in mumps. These seeds, combined with an
equal proportion of fenugreek (methi) seeds, should be ground together to the
consistency of a paste. This paste can be applied over the swellings.

Mumps treatment using Ginger

Dry ginger is considered beneficial in the treatment of mumps. It should be made
into a paste and applied over the swollen parts. As the paste dries, the swelling
will be reduced and the pain will also subside.

Mumps treatment using Margosa Leaves

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