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Sesame seeds are valuable in pneumonia. An infusion of the seeds can be made
by steeping 15 gm of seeds in 250 ml of water. This infusion, mixed with a
tablespoon of linseed, a pinch of common salt, and a dessertspoon of honey,
should be given in the treatment of this disease. This will help remove catarrhal
matter and phlegm from the bronchial tubes.

Pneumonia treatment using Parsnip Juice

The juice of parsnip, a root vegetable botanically known as Pastinaca sativa, has
been found beneficial in the treatment of pneumonia. The juice of the leaves and
root of this plant possess high therapeutic value. The phosphorus and chlorine
elements contained therein are of particular benefit to the lungs and the bronchial
system, thus making the juice an excellent home remedy for pneumonia. The
patient should take 250 ml of juice daily. It is however, essential that only the
juice of the cultivated parsnip plant should be used for this purpose. The wild
variety must not be used in juices as it contains some poisonous ingredients.

Pneumonia treatment using Other vegetable Juices

The juice of carrots, in combination either with spinach juice, or beet and
cucumber juices, has also been found useful in pneumonia. In these
combinations, 200 ml of spinach juice or 100 ml each of beet and cucumber
juices should be mixed with 300 ml of carrot juice to prepare 500 ml or half a litre
of combined juice.

Pneumonia treatment using Turpentine Oil

The pain of pneumonia can be relieved by rubbing oil of turpentine over the rib
cage and wrapping warmed cotton wool over it.

Home Remedies for Premature Greying of Hair

Premature Greying of Hair treatment using Indian Gooseberry

The use of Indian gooseberry is the foremost among the home remedies found
beneficial in the prevention and treatment of premature greying of hair. This is a
valuable hair tonic for enriching hair growth and hair pigmentation. The fruit, cut
into pieces, should be dried, preferably in shade. These pieces should be boiled
in coconut oil till the solid matter becomes like charred dust. This darkish oil is
very useful against premature greying. The water in which dried amla pieces
have been soaked overnight is also nourishing for the hair. This water should be
used for the last rinse while washing the hair. Massaging the scalp every night
with a teaspoonful of amla juice, mixed with a teaspoon of almond oil and a few
drops of lime juice, also proves beneficial in the prevention and treatment of
premature greying of hair.

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