high power of resistance to diseases. It is rich in all the three vitamins A, B and
C, which most fruits and vegetables are deficient in one or more.
Tomato stimulates the sluggish liver. It is beneficial in atonic dyspepsia. It is a
good diuretic, and a good nerve and brain food. Tomato juice can be given to
children and infants after each feed. It acts as an anti-scorbutic against infantile
Scurvy is a disease due t deficiency of vitamin C in the diet. The symptoms are
loss of energy, pallor, bleeding gums, shortness of breath, etc. The use of
tomatoes in sufficient quantity will prevent and cure scurvy. Tomato has high
anti-scorbutic properties. Give one spoonful of juice to begin with for a child and
gradually increase the quantity to 4 or 5 teaspoonfuls daily. This supplies vitamin.
Tomato is cooling. It is a tonic, too. It is rich in iron. It purifies and enriches the
blood in an effective manner. It cools the body. Tomato is a potent deobstruent. It
removes the diseased particles and opens freely the natural channels of the
body. The fruit is eaten in a raw state. Do not leave the skin. Take the entire fruit.
The unripe tomato is made into a currie and eaten. The ripe fruit is used in
making pepper water (Rasam) and 'pachchadie' with curd.
A tomato poultice is useful in foul ulcers. It cleanses them beautifully and
promotes healing. It should be changed very often and applied hot.
Lemon - Medicinal Properties
Lemon's health benefits have been appreciated for a long time. It was, for
example, often added to various potions as an antidote: Nero, who feared being
poisoned, consumed a great deal of them! In the 18th century, thanks to a
discovery by James Lind, a surgeon in the Royal Navy, lemons began to be used
to prevent scurvy which had ravaged ships' crews. Made up mostly of water,
lemons are low in calories (32 cal / 100 g) and rich in vitamins C and PP, citric
acid and calcium. Their juice is reputed to perk up the weary and those suffering
from colds. Lemonade is recommended in the treatment of fever, nausea and
hemorrhaging (1 sliced fresh lemon in water or the juice of 1 lemon in half a glass